History of UCE Began in Uganda

In 2003, Kim K. Dernovsek MD was the recipient of a grant to travel to Uganda, AFRICA for two purposes, one of which was to observe first-hand Uganda’s remarkable HIV-prevalence reduction strategy. This strategy, which involved behavior change, was of great interest to her since she had been lecturing nationally since 2001 regarding the importance of physicians reaching teens with an abstinence message in order to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). As a dermatologist, she was well aware of the failure of condoms to fully protect against STDs and the devastating effect contracting one had on a person’s life. Yet, the skeptical in her audiences would still question whether it was “realistic” that people could change their sexual behavior. The new American trend towards abstinence among teens certainly was a hopeful indication that they could.

Then came the landmark report to USAID, What Happened in Uganda?, which described how Uganda, AFRICA had reduced their HIV prevalence from 15% in 1991 to 5% in 2001. A later publication called this “the most significant decline of HIV prevalence of any country in the world” This country had changed the pre-existing sexual behavior patterns of early first intercourse and polygamy to healthy sexual behavior. Lives were being saved in Uganda, Africa. A developing-world country had done this? Dr. Dernovsek saw this as a “light shining from Uganda” and imagined the implications for world health if there was a simple, low-cost way to radically reduce HIV/AIDS infections. So, not knowing where following would lead, she and her husband, Kenneth D. Dernovsek, MD set off for a month in Uganda.

October 2003 was spent in Kampala, Uganda and traveling the country from west of Mbarara to east of Jinja, meeting and interacting with the Ugandans they encountered during their medical, recreational and spiritual activities. In attending worship services, Men’s Bible Study Fellowship and youth group meetings, they found the churches full, prayer exuberant, and faith alive. It was not long before they were approached by Ugandans who had themselves been and were continuing to be leaders in the grass-roots rural Ugandan effort via radio-waves, youth outreaches and educational events. They asked the Dernovseks: How could the Ugandan effort be kept strong? Were there really other people of faith, outside of Uganda, who would help the people of faith in Uganda to continue their message of “chastity” to their youth? Would they be encouraged and allowed to teach their youth in their unique Ugandan way rather than being required to adopt a non-Ugandan approach? Could monetary support be found? Do others care about whether Africa survives the HIV/AIDS pandemic enough to foster and expand the activities of the worlds’ greatest anti-AIDS strategy ever?

Stepping out with faith, the Dernovseks answered “yes” and Universal Chastity Education, Inc. (UCE) was born.

Be blessed… and join us in saving lives.

UCE Uganda

UCE Uganda has two offices. One in Masaka and one in Kasese, western Uganda. Each office serves as a ‘home base’ for UCE staff and volunteers. The teams complete administrative work and organize  school and radio outreaches to rural areas and schools. 

A key component of the Ugandan success against HIV/AIDS has been reaching the youth with the message that their lives can be saved from HIV/AIDS through a decision to abstain from sexual activity until marriage and remain faithful in marriage thereafter. UCE has taken this message successfully to the radio waves, into churches, and into schools.

The first UCE Youth Outreach Event took place November 10-14, 2004 in Ntungamo and Wakiso Districts. Since that first event, the UCE Team has visited fifteen Districts and had over 50,000 students sign UCE abstinence/faithfulness in marriage commitment cards.


Chastity Pledges Signed!

Take a peek inside this raucous outreach to out of school youth deep in the Rwenzori Mountainsat Kyabikere, Kasese, Uganda. Outreaches are energetic, spirit filled events that include singing, dancing, drumming, prayer, and where youth receive a message of true love, forgiveness, hope, and learn about God’s beautiful plan for our lives. The video also includes a segment on a UCE Chastity Club, these clubs contain a number of activities that help youth to maintain their chastity commitments.

UCE-Africa Director


Isaac Lema

Africa Director

Mr. Isaac Lema was a co-founder of UCE-Tanzania and now Africa Director. He has served UCE continuously since then as an outreach volunteer and the Tanzania Programs Officer. Isaac is a professional counselor who graduated from Tumaini University in 2008 with a degree in Counseling Psychology. In 2012, he received a Master of Science degree in Clinical Psychology from Muhimbili University. During those years he wrote two books on chastity, Love and Relationships and Sex Before, Within, and Outside of Marriage. He also is an assistant lecturer and clinical psychologist at Muhimbili University in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He and his wife, Emeline, have co-facilitated UCE outreaches, testifying to the reality of living chastely. They are now parents of a lovely baby girl. In his new role, Isaac will coordinate all of the UCE programs in Africa.

On Chastity

“ Many people have thought they were in love with someone else, gave themselves to that person in the most intimate expression of human love, then they were later discarded. Many people have heard the phrase, I want you, but all the person really wanted was a body, not a person, a sensation, not a commitment of life and love. Many people speak of making love without realizing that we cannot make love. God himself is love. We can only love in His love and in accord with His design… In chastity, a person strives for mastery of feelings and passions and takes responsibility for actions. Chastity gives great freedom: freedom from slavery to passions, freedom from any sexually transmitted disease, freedom from painful memories or regret of past relationship….”
Michael Bahinyoza, November 2004

Fr Deus thumbnail

Fr. Deusdedit Ssekabira
UCE-Masaka Director

I am Fr. Deusdedit Ssekabira, a Catholic priest incardinated in the Catholic Diocese of Masaka- Uganda, born on 2nd December, 1979. I was ordained a priest on 4th August 2007. Currently I am a Youth Chaplain of Masaka Catholic Diocese. Am also the Director of the Universal Chastity Education, Masaka branch- Uganda. The UCE message is non-discriminative and that is why it is taught to all categories of people no matter their religious affiliations, culture and interests. UCE message purposely helps people live healthy lives through emphasizing and encouraging chaste life (purity of body, mind and soul), faithful living among partners, personal hygiene and after a while, we do re-visits / follow ups to our groups.

Fr. Joseph Tumusime
UCE-Kasese Director

Fr.Joseph Tumusime is a Roman Catholic priest of the Diocese of Kasese, Uganda, East Africa. He was ordained on 2nd July 2016. He holds a diploma in social and philosophical studies, a BA in Philosophy, a diploma in theology and a BA in theology. He is currently serving as a Diocesan youth chaplain. Fr. Joseph has been a chaplain for the schools and the youth in Kasanga parish,. He has been a coordinator for the youth chaplains in the Western zone of the Diocese. He is a musician, a music composer and loves singing. This has enabled him to reach the youth, interact with them, and organize music talent shows. Music has helped him to pass the message to the youth on how to live a better life today, tomorrow and the future. He also loves volleyball including playing volleyball. This has also helped him to reach the youth. Fr. Joseph loves reading and debating. This has enabled him to organize debates in different schools on matters affecting the young people. He is currently the UCE coordinator, Diocese of Kasese.