We had the opportunity to travel to and work in Uganda briefly in 2010, where we were able to see firsthand the terrific work done by UCE in its outreach programs. The people working and volunteering for UCE there are dedicated to the core philosophy of UCE, and the teachers...
Category: Why I Support UCE
Dr. Autumn Dawn Galbreath, MD, MBA – Volunteer with UCE
Dr. Autumn Dawn Galbreath “As a physician in an urgent care setting, I have frequent opportunities to witness the impact of sexually transmitted diseases. I have had to deliver diagnoses of STDs to many, many people, and I have sat in exam rooms with countless patients over the years listening...
Fr. Francesco Msofu helped bring Universal Chastity Education to Tanzania.
Fr. Francesco Msofu helped bring Universal Chastity Education to Tanzania. He explains the HIV/AIDS situation in Iringa, and talks about why his area needed a HIV/AIDS prevention program. https://youtu.be/ZtUEEvAqfIg