UCE Kasese Uganda: “UCE Has Made Me a New Boy”

Kasese held 3 UCE outreaches during September where 419 youth signed chastity cards. Here are a few words from a UCE Club member witnessing the effect UCE has had on him: “Thanks to the Almighty God under his fabulous mercy and grace that we are still alive. Before I heard...

UCE Burundi: “Chastity Message Triumphs”

During September 2018, they conducted 2 UCE outreaches with at total of 316 youth committing to chastity. One highlight was that one school they visited shared with them how they had received other conflicting messages from another group how to prevent pregnancy and STDs but decided to welcomed the UCE team....

Matching Grant NOW through August 18, 2018

UCE received a generous offer from an anonymous donor who is doubling new donor donations and increases in donations from 2017 NOW through August 18, 2018! Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to join UCE in sharing this important, life saving message of chastity! Donate online here or donations may also be made by...

Bluegrass & Braai event a success!

A beautiful summer night, a delicious bbq, coupled with a rocking bluegrass band met a loyal group of supporters for  UCE’s 7th annual “Bluegrass & Braai” fundraiser on August 5th 2017. Thanks to all who came out to support UCE! Co-founders Drs Ken & Kim Dernovsek hosted the delightful event...

Drs. Kim and Ken visit Uganda Kasese

As you may know, Drs. Kim and Ken visited Uganda in March. They met with UCE supporters, spoke on the radio, and attended outreaches with the local teams in Kasese and Masaka. This week, one student wrote a seven-page testimony thanking UCE for its intervention in their life and how...

Drs. Kim and Ken Visit Uganda Masaka

200 miles away from Kasese in Masaka, our other Ugandan team is also thriving. Drs. Kim and Ken visited this team as well, where they went on outreaches for six consecutive days. Despite the fact that their vehicle broke down twice, the group made it to every outreach and had...