For those in the Colorado area, save the date, December 1st. UCE will be hosting a “Chastity Heals” evening with a soup supper and all night prayer vigil to pray for chastity in our church, families and society. More details to follow. Also, earlier this month, UCE hosted an outreach at St...
Author: PWD-ops
UCE Masaka Uganda: “A Beautiful Wedding”
Masaka continued sharing the UCE message in 10 outreaches during September where 1,163 youth have signed chastity cards. One highlight in September was when a UCE volunteer, Jude Kimbugwe Thaddeus celebrated Holy Matrimony on September 15th!
UCE Kasese Uganda: “UCE Has Made Me a New Boy”
Kasese held 3 UCE outreaches during September where 419 youth signed chastity cards. Here are a few words from a UCE Club member witnessing the effect UCE has had on him: “Thanks to the Almighty God under his fabulous mercy and grace that we are still alive. Before I heard...
UCE Burundi: “Chastity Message Triumphs”
During September 2018, they conducted 2 UCE outreaches with at total of 316 youth committing to chastity. One highlight was that one school they visited shared with them how they had received other conflicting messages from another group how to prevent pregnancy and STDs but decided to welcomed the UCE team....
UCE Tanzania: “You Are Going to Start a New Life”
In the month of September, the UCE team held 6 outreaches where 1,167 youth committed to chastity. One highlight was when the UCE team was invited by the Youth Director, Fr. Stanislaus Mhumbila to give a UCE seminar entitled “Chastity Among the Youth and Challenges Facing them” at the 3 Day...
A UCE Thank You!
“May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord show you his kindness and have mercy on you. May the Lord watch over you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 Thank you to all who supported UCE’s Braai 2018 and matching grant opportunity. I’m thrilled to announce that UCE achieved the full $25,000...
UCE Annual Report Fiscal Year Ended 2013
As we descended from the UCE team’s mountain home of Makamba, Burundi to the lowlands of the neighboring district of Nyanza-Lac the temperature increased, and the air grew muggy and oppressive. We drove through the huge community built around fishing, and the mood of the people matched the stifling heaviness...
Check out UCE’s latest Annual Report
Check out UCE’s latest Annual Report for the fiscal year August 1 2016-July 31, 2017 by clicking here
Let My People Go!: Doctor, Doctor, Radio show features UCE co-founder, Dr Kim Dernovsek
“We, the poor of Africa, remain silenced in the global [HIV/AIDS] dialogue….Most HIV infections in Africa are spread by sex outside of marriage: casual sex and infidelity. The solution is faithful love. So hear my plea, HIV-AIDS profiteers. Let my people go. We understand that casual sex is dear to...