Makamba, Burundi, September 2012- In September the Burundi team visited 9 secondary schools. The youth had a wonderful response to their message! 4,560 youth committed themselves to live pure lives and to wait to have sex until the sacred bond of marriage. Not to be left out, 101 married people signed cards committing or re-committing themselves to fidelity in their marriage. Here are just a few of the responses the team received regarding their activity in September:
“This program is among few programmes that teach the youth to abstain in their lives. Other programmes emphasize on promotion of condoms. In UCE programme they teach on what HIV/AIDS is, they educate and also they feed the hearts with the Word of God. We were created in a way each other has to love his /her opposite sex. We need to control our bodies because we have other promises in heaven. You, who started the programme, make a follow up. Join us in schools and help us to educate. Our youth are still adolescents and ‘blood hot’, when you visit our school you’ll help us to respond to youth’s questions.”
“The message was ours. It prepares us as youth for the future and calls us for good education. We are persuaded that those who say that they love us want to indulge us in sexual abuse and immorality. We need to distinguish between the true love to untrue one.”
“Keep louding your voice in promoting abstinence, others are silencing themselves.” Rév Léopold NYONKURU, Chaplain in Kabizi High School
“Radio Star FM broadcasts twice a week the UCE messages which have transformed my way of living though I have not met yet the UCE team. I will keep praying God to send them to our remote School.” Mr. Timothy Iradukunda , Martyazo High School
“We are satisfied with these elections. We’ve elected students who have signed the commitment cards to be leaders of the UCE club in our school. We have confidence in them and we will be more attentive to their warnings.” Miss HATUNGIMANA Violette, Kabonga High School
“I’ve decided to play my role as a principal of this High School to include the patronage of the UCE club”. Mr Raymond Nyanduruko, Principal of Nyabigina High School)