A vibrant group of doctors were present at Dr Kim Dernovsek’s March 2019 presentation entitled “Chastity from the Medical Perspective”. In her informative and well-researched presentation, she makes the case for chastity as a Christian virtue that is the best practice medically for any person, whether single or married. Abstinence while single and faithfulness in marriage are protective from sexually transmitted diseases. She presented the scientific evidence for the changes to abstinence and faithfulness in marriage having resulted in Uganda’s reduction of HIV prevalence rate from 21% in 1991 to 5% in 2001. Today, despite an influx of condoms, Ugandans continue to embrace programs like UCE for their youth, and the HIV prevalence remains low, at 7%. Other countries like Botswana, where a condom strategy has been embraced, still see HIV raging at 23% (2017)
In 2003, the Ugandans had recounted having “gone back to biblical ways”, and how God’s method of abstaining until marriage to one spouse, and staying faithful, did indeed work against the scourge of AIDS. Dr Dernovsek encouraged the attendees to regain their trust of God’s simple principles, be inspired by the Ugandan success, and to share the truth that these simple behaviors are healthiest for all. Rather than feeling overwhelmed by all that physicians face, she shared a simple prayer that starts her day: “For His sake, I am but one. But I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. What I ought to do, by the grace of God, I will do. Lord, what will you have me do?” Sit down with a cup of coffee and enjoy this fascinating perspective on faith and reason, science and virtue and better understand how this lifestyle is best for all of us. CLICK HERE for the complete talk