Kasese held 3 UCE outreaches during September where 419 youth signed chastity cards. Here are a few words from a UCE Club member witnessing the effect UCE has had on him: “Thanks to the Almighty God under his fabulous mercy and grace that we are still alive. Before I heard about Universal Chastity Education I was close to breaking my virginity but after I heard the information I managed to maintain my virginity. The following are things I have gained from Universal Chastity Education. I have avoided to join bad peer groups. The smallest part of my body, my private part, can cause a lot of people to suffer nowadays. I am now able to control my sexual urges. If I follow the teaching of UCE, I will be able to reach my goals; O help me Lord! I will continue sharing about UCE in my community and all over the country while praying to God. I will be sure to look for more Club members of UCE. UCE has made me a new boy.”
UCE Kasese Uganda: “UCE Has Made Me a New Boy”