On 1/4/18 Fr. Deusdedit led an outreach to the Youth by introducing the UCE program, mission and vision. He also had them recite the UCE slogan “True Love Waits” and reminded the students that “Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.” One girl (Sophia) gave a testimony about the UCE card she signed and carries with her. “One time I was conned by a man, I pulled my UCE card out of my wallet, showed it to Him and he walked away.”
Fr Deusdedit continued to share with the students that there is a time for everything. Therefore, as young people, they must concentrate on their studies now. Arthur shared how premarital sex has severe consequences including death. They should wait to have sex until marriage with one spouse. Students should learn how to say refuse premarital sex. Francis continued with a simple discussion asking the students, “How many would want a woman or man who has who has been with many women or men?” Therefore if they want a healthy, faithful spouse, they must be good themselves. They should start today! He encouraged them to stay away from contraceptives and abortion because they are against God’s commandments and also harm a woman’s body. Resty conducted the questions session and explained the UCE cards. 142 students signed them. Fr. Deusdedit prayed for the students.