On August 21st Universal Chastity Education (UCE) and Mesa Catholic campus ministry joined together to offer students the opportunity to choose chastity at ‘Safe and Sexy,’ an event hosted by Colorado Mesa University (CMU) in Grand Junction. The event was designed to encourage students to protect themselves by using a condom during an upcoming foam dance. Hunter Darrouzet, campus minister at CMU, recognized the need for an alternative message for his students. He and UCE Executive Director Andrew Dernovsek, teamed up by presenting chastity to the students as a wonderfully safe and sexy option.
Many students were drawn to the chastity table. Most popular was the display: how do I know if it is ‘True Love or Infatuation.’ A number of students took pictures of the display on their phones. One young man said, “See I’m here…(pointing to the True Love side). But I know my girlfriend is here (pointing to the infatuation side).” Hunter and Andrew talked with him about what to do if that was the case. Multiple students also commented on the ‘condom statistics’ display that gave accurate statistics on condom effectiveness. They also enjoyed reading quotes from celebrities who had chosen abstinence until marriage. Some students were interested in committing to chastity, and one young man took the opportunity to ask about coming back to his faith. Hunter and Andrew were pleased that they were able to offer chastity as a viable alternative to the students at CMU. If your parish, youth group, or school would like a talk on chastity, or if you need help sharing the chastity message, please contact Andrew Dernovsek at (719) 248-8828 or email contact@uceglobal.org.