By Nevaless Masika, Kasese, Uganda (July)- July 28th, 2015 was a very wonderful, special, and memorable day for the people of Kasese, especially for the youth who had ever signed chastity commitment cards. The day brought together 20 secondary schools with a total number of 1000 students, UCE Club Members, and UCE Club Leaders who came to testify about the power of chastity. They recommended chastity to be the only tool that the youth must use to guard themselves from HIV/ AIDS, and it is a way to achieve their goals.
Biira a Form 2 student, from Mutanywana Senior Secondary School testified that she always had the worst grades in school. She said that she had thought that the only alternative to her situation was to leave school and stay with her boyfriend. She says,
“When the UCE Team started deliberating at our school, I thought they were wasting my time. However, when they proceeded with their talks something came into my mind telling me to first put my relationship aside and concentrate on my books. It took me time, contemplating on giving up my relationship, and then asking myself, can I abstain? Can I sincerely live without having sex? After a long time of meditation, I stood up and picked a chastity card and signed it. I was still full of doubt whether I would manage to leave my boyfriend and concentrate on my studies. Thereafter, I asked God to help me. I started reading my books and last term I was in the 5th position out of 100 students in form 2. This from being the very last in my class! I thank God and UCE for this, I therefore urge every person to first concentrate on their target goals. I am now strong, firm and hopeful that one day I shall become a lawyer, congratulations UCE. Everyone who knew me and my sexual behavior is wondering and asking me whether I am the same person or not, they could not believe I can live without having sex.”
Others had related stories , we gave them enough time to share amongst themselves and they were bold enough to tell that they want true love and that they will wait until the right time of getting married.
One of the UCE married couples (living faithfully in marriage) credited UCE for the work done for all people to safeguard them, and their unborn children. 20 married couples attended the event. Also UCE Chastity Club members from Uganda Martyrs College performed a skit on chastity they had prepared. After the sharing sessions, the students attended Church, then had friendly football and netball matches that crowned the day.
The UCE team also reached out to Muhokya Parents Secondary School. On July 19th, the team was welcomed by the school administration, opening prayer was led by a student leader. The team gave our regular chastity sessions. Muhokya parents’ school is found in Muhokya Sub County. The placed is known to be for the Minority group of people in Kasese district called the Basongara. Their major economic activity is cattle keeping and they are nomadic pastoralists.
According to their culture they must marry as early as 10 years old for both boys and girls. The boys must look after cattle and girls must remain home making “Muzigo” a milk product to sell. A girl child is considered a source of wealth to the family, as the dowry is paid in the form of cattle. 99.5% of the Basongora do not go to school. Those who go drop out very early. They do not see any value in education. Marriage choices are made by the parents, depending on the herds of cattle the father in- law and the boy has. To them, all girls must marry at an early age when they are still looking beautiful and productive.
We reached this community and talked to them about early marriages and remaining in school until they can gain an education. Some girls appreciated the message, but some boys were diehards for early marriages. However, upon listening to the message, some boys made up their minds for chastity and pledged to wait for the right time when they are old enough to look after their future wives and children. 60 youth committed to chastity!