By Nevaless Masika (with Andrew Dernovsek), Kasese, Uganda (August 2014) -The Kasese team has been reaching out to all societal groups. This month, the team reached in school youth, out of school youth, couples, and trained priests in the message of chastity. The story of one young girl, encourages us that we must always be the light of Christ, and be willing to share our testimony with others. During the closing of an outreach at Kyalhumba, one boy shared the following story,
“I had wanted to fall in love with a certain girl. When I talked to her she told me she signed an abstinence card, that she was abstinent until she finishes school and gets the right partner. She refused me and brought her album (school notebook), the UCE card she had signed two months ago was on the front page and she asked me to read it. I read it, and from there I left her alone. When I heard UCE was coming to talk to the youth of Kyalhumba I decided to come and sign too an abstinence card, to make a promise and live by it, and it will protect me whenever I show it to someone who may want to take me astray. THANK YOU UCE TEAM, please continue reaching more youth.”
At Ndondo, the team reached out of school youth. The team shared to their personal testimonies and engaged the youth by asking them to share their own experiences. The sharing was wonderful because the youth in Ndongo felt free to share their personal experiences. We gained more insights into how to better guide youth facing modern challenges, and the youth were encouraged by their peers who shared testimonies. 120 committed to chastity and Christ.
The team also held a workshop for 32 couples. The couples shared some of their most common marital problems leading to unfaithfulness: harshness, drunkenness, and a lack of understanding of marital fidelity. The team advised them using the Bible, led by Fr. Peter. All left energized, and signed faithfulness pledges with their spouses, committing to turn over new leaves.
Finally, with Chastity Sunday fast approaching on October 5th, we saw the need to train area priests and chaplains (on Chastity Sunday priests, pastors, and clergy of all denominations speak from the pulpit on chastity). The aim was to train the priests on UCE, after realizing that priests reach so many places wherever they go. They talk to many people who listen to them in churches, parties, and burials. We found it necessary to train them so that in their homilies they can include abstinence and fidelity messages to both the young and the old, and mobilize more youths and the marrieds for UCE outreaches. The training was most successful! We are looking forward with much anticipation to Chastity Sunday! Encourage your priest or pastor to speak on chastity!