By Walubo Jude Tadeo, Uganda, (March 2014)- As we move closer to 10 years since the start of UCE ministry, we are glad to share with you what the Lord has enabled us to achieve in February 2014. As a ministry, we have not deviated from the mission God called us to, helping people live healthy lives. We continue to be totally committed to sharing the chastity message that is saving lives. We focus on prayer, Biblical teaching, and introducing young people to Jesus and helping them become strong in Him. Through a 6 day outreach in Mbale this month we were able to speak to over 3,500 youths at 9 schools. Out of these, 1,256 youth, made a commitment to be abstinent from sex until marriage, and to pursue chastity. We also held a radio talk show in the area, where we reached over 2 million people with the chastity message.
Even though we had challenges such as: inaccessible roads during the outreach and overwhelming invitations to speak at schools, we have so much to celebrate as the UCE family. We are united by Christ and the UCE vision and mission, and I believe the best is yet to be because our God is able! Please join us in praying for God’s wisdom and blessings. Thank you very much for supporting UCE.